Risk Assessment based on CIA

Risk Assessment based on CIA
C: Confidentiality - property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorised individuals, entities, or processes
I: Integrity - property of accuracy and completeness
A: Availability - property of being accessible and usable upon demand by an authorised entity
(Courtesy: ISO 27000)
CIA approach is based on Risk Scenario. There are three building blocks to prepare Rick Scenario:
i. Asset
ii. Threat
iii. Vulnerability 
Threat and vulnerabilities has been mentioned in ISO 27005:2011 in Annex C and D
Risk Score:
a) CIA to be identified by each asset by consensus among the team (C,I,A can be Low = 0, Medium = 1, High = 2)
b) Each vulnerabilities are scored corresponding to each asset (Very Low =0, Low=1, Medium=2, High =3) 
c) Threat against each vulnerabilities on the likelihood of occurrence (Rare = 0, Annual = 1, Monthly = 2, Weekly = 3)
After associating vulnerability and threats with assets, the risk score can be reach at by adding CIA value and then adding it with vulnerability and threat value.
Risk Treatment Options:
Accept, Avoid, Reduce, Transfer
The risks which one wants to reduce are included in Risk Treatment Plan and controls are implemented as per ISO 27001:2013.


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