How to Implement Require Management Process with CMMI?

The requirement Management process provides the necessary guidelines for managing the requirements of the products as well as product components of a project plan. It also helps in identifying inconsistencies, if any, between the requirements and project plan or work products. The requirement Management process is generally available at CMMI maturity level 2 within the Project Management category. At the core, Requirement Management provides a better understanding of the requirements which helps in managing requirement changes and ensures streamlined alignment between the requirements and project plan. 

The requirement Management process helps in managing all the requirements generated or received during the lifetime of a project including any technical and non-technical requirements. This ensures that all the agreed upon requirements are managed, thereby supporting and assisting in efficient planning and execution of the project. The requirement Management process also involves appropriate documentation of any requirement changes and rationale to keep bidirectional traceability between all products and product components requirements and source requirements. 

Implementing Require Management process with CMMI follows certain specific steps which can be summed up as follows:

1)      Understanding Requirements:
Requirements can be obtained via various techniques such as surveys, interviews, study and on-site observation of existing systems, prototyping, and modeling. Different aspects and peculiarities of the project and products are examined to gain a better understanding of the project requirements. Once the requirements are obtained and understood, and any inconsistencies are resolved, they need to be properly documented. Only traceable, complete, consistent, implementable, verifiable, uniquely identifiable, and clearly stated requirements are documented in the requirements document. After proper documentation, requirements need to be further analyzed to ensure that they meet the needs of the customers and avoid any inconsistency or discrepancy.

2)      Obtaining A Commitment For The Requirements:
Once the requirements have been properly documented, they need to be approved by relevant stakeholders. A commitment is taken from the stakeholders in the form of an approval email or written consent.

3)      Managing Requirement Changes:
Requirements generally evolve throughout the lifecycle of a project. Once the requirements are approved, any further changes to the requirements during the course of the project need to be managed to avoid any negative impact on the project. Any change request for a particular requirement needs to be properly logged, reviewed, analyzed, approved and implemented. Various supporting documents may also be prepared during the process including change logs and requirement impact analysis documents. Changes are approved and updated accordingly in the requirements document.

4)      Maintaining Bi-directional Traceability Of The Requirements:
Every time a requirement or change to a requirement is documented, the Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) document also needs to be accordingly updated. This helps in maintaining traceability in a bi-directional manner from the starting phase to the concluding phase and vice-versa.

5)      Aligning Requirements With Project Work:
It's the responsibility of the Project Manager to ensure that the project work is appropriately aligned with the approved requirements. This also involves identifying and resolving any inconsistencies between the project plan or work products and the requirements. Changes in the requirements are updated and communicated to the team so that they can be implemented in the project.

Various firms provide CMMI certification in Mumbai. The consulting assistance provided by these firms helps organizations in improving various areas of their projects, processes, and services. CMMI certification provides great insight on process management, information security and management, risk management, and strategic implementation, thereby supporting growth, increased productivity, and profitability. 


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